Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm new at this blogging stuff and usually do not put my stuff out there on the internet for everyone to read, so please all bare with me. This semester in my Literacy Strategies class our professor Dr. Poehner is reading a middle level book to us titled Wonder. The book is about a boy named August, Augy as his mother and sister call him, who has a physical disability and was not suppose to make it past the first 24 hours of his life. So far we do not know the full extent of his disability. August is aware of how he looks and knows he is different but his sister, Via, does not except when people look at him differently. This school year August is going into 5th grade and his mother, Isabella, is thinking about sending him to a private school instead of being home schooled. His father, Nate, is not excepting of the idea but nearing school time he begins to warm up to it. By reading the first three chapter August still seems unsettled about it himself.

While reading in class today Dr. Poehner asked us to think of a song or some kind of media to fit the description from the text. This was kind of hard for me to do because I had another song stuck in my head that didn't apply to the book. This shows how easily distracted I can get.
As Dr. Poehner was reading to us today I could sense all of August insecurities about his appearances. I can relate to Auggie in that way. Growing up I have always struggled with my self confidence, mostly due to my looks and weight. People would always try to reassure me that I shouldn't feel this way because I'm beautiful, caring, have a great personality, and that I was smart. But hearing these encouraging words have never helped me think better of myself. Although I do not have a physically deformity like the book describes August to have I still can feel his pain in being uncomfortable.
I wonder as the book goes on if August will gain confidence in himself or if he will get new friends at his new school. On the first day of Class Management class Professor Richards said "You have to love yourself before you love your career of students." That really hit home with me because honestly I don't love myself, I always find something I could change. Because I want to be a educator so bad I know I have to learn to love myself and I will do this for myself and my future students. As I begin to find my way to loving myself I hope August does too my the end of the book.
I know in the future I will have to help my students with their own security problems. I believe I when I find out who I am I will be able to help my students a lot better. Knowing the pain and the struggles of not loving yourself will let them know i was there once too. This may help my students feel more comfortable to come to me with their problems. I would be honored if they would feel that comfortable to come to me. I hope maybe August will find he can connect with at his new Middle School.
By sitting here and thinking, all people are made different so why shouldn't anyone not be able to love themselves?


  1. I love how you connected this to self-imagery and self-confidence, which is a huge struggle for a lot of people. Most people struggle to be confident in themselves, especially when it comes to looks. While August was born with a face deformity, many people can relate to the struggle of not being confident in the way they look. This is a huge issue, especially in middle schoolers. As future middle school teachers, we must be aware of this issue. I enjoy that you pointed this out and that you put yourself and your insecurities out there. However, you truly are a beautiful person and hope that in finding yourself, you discover this. This book and August's story may be a strong connection with you and your journey of finding yourself as August finds himself in the book.

  2. I agree with Krista and I love how you connected the book to self-confidence and the way people view themselves. Self-confidence is a huge struggle for middle schoolers and even students in high school and college. Getting to know yourself and being able to love yourself is very important when dealing with students because they are going to need advice with how to handle self-esteem issues. August is like any other student, he wants to fit in and be socially accepted, but because he was born with a deformity, he lacks the self-confidence to try to make friends. He is afraid of what people are going to think of him. I really like your final reflection that you ended with. If everyone is different, how can one not love themselves? Each person has their own qualities that makes them who they are and each quality is special. This is why we can't compare ourselves to others, because each one of us is our own person.
