Thursday, September 12, 2013

In class today we read that August had his first day of public school. This was a big step for August to do, due to his insecurities. August already knew three kids that he would go to school because of his school tour before. On his first day August rushed to homeroom with his head down, so no one could see his face. When he got to class he sat in the very back of the class. The classroom desks were set up in a half circle facing toward the chalkboard. Not to long after August sat down another boy sat down next to him, Jack Will. Jack helped tour August around the school before the school year started. I predict Jack Will and August will become very good friends throughout the book.
While in class we were suppose to try and visualize a scene from the book. I could visualize this scene the best. Being a future teacher I always think of a good way to organize the classroom. For homeroom I thought organization was great. This way the teacher could see each student very well.
Not exactly what I had in mind, but close enough. Also it looks like a fun room!

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